Cheryl Patterson’s new book, Support for Stress: A Collection of Writings for Coping with Emotional Strain. Digital version is available on Amazon (click below), and print will be out soon (1/2 of all proceeds will go to the Senior’s Help Fund with Muskoka Seniors Magazine.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Compassion: Why is it Important?
Kindness, caring, thoughtfulness, helpful might be some of the things that come to mind when you think of compassion. It seems to be something that some people have – or not – or have more so in certain situations or for certain people more than others. It’s one of those things that impact us all in one way or another to varying degrees, as the giver or receiver. But why is it important? More>>>
HBR Talk Radio: Boost Your Life
Listen for the new talk radio show “Boost Your Life” hosted by Cheryl Patterson on Hunter’s Bay Radio, 88.5 FM starting in March!
How Are You Progressing?
Although the beginning of the year is the time where many people set goals, statistics show that they are forgotten or abandoned almost as soon as they are started. So what are we to do? More>>>
Embrace change
Want a charge? Change something.
According to research in neuroscience, just the act of thinking differently changes the chemistry in your brain and body. Factor in a little change, and you have the added emotional anticipation of something new and an opportunity for greater fulfillment. More>>>
Getting Unstuck: how?
You wake up tired from a disrupted sleep the night before, which seems to permeate your mood and reactions to things that happen. You have some ‘go to’ tools that you can use but this time nothing seems to work… So, what do you do? More>>>
Radio interview
Listen to Cheryl Patterson’s interview on Sue Kelly’s Sweet Spots program on Hunters Bay Radio here.
2019: Random Goals or Pure Potential?
Another New Year is here, and many people are habitually setting health goals that seem more motivated by internal condemnation and guilt versus genuine passion. More>>>
Time to reset?
Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up eager, excited and feeling blessed to have that little extra time to get started, which you happily do…and then “Bam!”…it takes off in a whole other direction, leaving you feeling like, “What the heck just happened!?” More>>>
Smart Picks: success habits for 2019
The New Year is soon upon us, and for those of us that are die-hard self-educated students of life-long learning, like myself (it’s gotten me a lot further than my degree!), the following are some great hand-picked book options for you, to help you to make the most of your 2019. More>>>