
The purpose of this website is to:

a) Provide helpful information and support for your well being in your daily life through my content, such as the articles, blogs and columns (in the tabs at the top of the page), like Aspire Unplugged and the new Boost.

b) To share my personal experiences, for those who may feel alone going through challenging situations, or who simply feel a connection with personal development, like I do. In my e-book, 9 Lives Mourned: How to Overcome Multiple Loss (on the home page of this site), I share a candid view of what it was like to go through 9 losses within 5 years. 7 of which were family members, and the other 3 were pets – my other family of sorts, that were a part of my life day-in-and-out.

c) To generate revenue. I will receive a small percentage of the sale of any books or products sold on this site. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying book purchases, as a means to help raise funds for the MSM Seniors Help Fund in my community. When you purchase books displayed on this site, you are contributing to my efforts to help seniors in Muskoka and surrounding areas that may be alone and in need of community support or assistance (i.e. home care, personal assistance, resource match services and more).

For more information about our MSM Seniors help fund, you can read more here: http://muskokaseniorsmagazine.ca/msm-seniors-help-fund/

If you have any special requests for my Smart Picks book choices, you can send them in here, https://cherylpatterson.ca/contact and I will do my best to oblige you.

"You can work hard like a hamster in a wheel…or get honest with yourself about your challenges and move forward from them." -Cheryl Patterson